Bachelor's Degree Social Work




Social workers carry out their profession in a variety of different fields; international organisations, public administrations, universities, private companies as an employee or freelancer and in the tertiary sector (associations, foundations, federations and other social organisations). The Social Work Faculty of the Complutense University is the first one created in Spain as well as being one of the biggest faculties, not only of Spain but Europe. This University prepares future experts and is in high demand by students.

 Details and Degree brochure

I M P O R T A N T    N O T E 

All subjects are taught in Spanish, except those which are part of the VirCamp module and Minor programme. Minimum recommended level of Spanish is B1 (C2 obligatory for Practical) in the case of courses taken in Spanish.

If the subjects are taken in English, a Spanish certificate is not required, but English certificate B1 is (advisable B2),   

The English or Spanish Certificate could be any certificate issued by a oficial organism, the home university or a language course certifying the minimum required level.    

According to the Complutense regulations, the expiration date of your certification must be taken into account: 2 years for level B1; 3 years for level B2; 4 years for level C1; 5 years for level C2.                                     

We would like to emphasize that a basic knowledge of the Spanish language is needed for incoming students as it will facilitate their daily life, both inside and outside the university (administration, use of facilities, etc..).

The Faculty of Social Work and the UCM are not responsible for any problems that the lack of knowledge of Spanish may cause.

 Free Spanish Courses

 Teaching Organisation Calendar  Academic Year 

Please note: Subjects with semester number: 1, 3, 5 correspond to the autumn semester (September-January) and with number: 2, 4, 6 correspond to the spring semester (January-June).

Available Courses 

Courses Offered in English 


 Timetable: Optional Subjects    Timetable: Compulsory and Core Subjects



According to UCM regulations, the ERASMUS incoming students can choose up to two courses at one Faculty other than this one, but you must obtain permission from their International Mobility Office, here you have the contacts: <emails offices> (Please, keep in mind the distance between the different campuses and buildings, possible schedule, overlaps...)

The number of credits of the courses in the Faculty of Social Work must be higher or at least equal to the number of credits of the courses chosen at one Faculty other than this one.