Incoming Students


There are three different types of incoming for international students:

 Exchange students [link] who enter the University through agreements signed to pursue undergraduate or master's degree studies and obtain recognition in their University of origin for the credits taken at UCM.

We can only accept applications from students who have been nominated by their home university with which we have a formal bilateral agreement. We regret not being able to accept Erasmus free movers.

 Visiting students [link]: those who come to study as a visitor for a semester or a full year at UCM

 Regular students [link]:those whose objective is to develop the whole cycle of studies at UCM and obtain the degree, master or doctorate from our University

UCM Study Programmes [link]

   L A N G U A G E   R E Q U I R E M E N T S

You must prove your language proficiency in the online application and take into account the expiration date of your certification: 2 years for level B1; 3 years for level B2; 4 years for level C1; 5 years for level C2.                                            

I N C O M I N G   E X C H A N G E   S T U D E N T S

If you are a student of the Erasmus+, Non-European Mobility, Swiss Universities programs, here you will find the information you need to come and study at our Faculty of Social Work of the Complutense University of Madrid:

1º. Before Arriving

2º. On Arrival

3º. During the Stay

4º. End of Stay